Cigarette Smoke Monitoring
The Most Advanced Customizable Cigarette Smoke Monitoring Solution

*case may not be exactly as shown
Quick Features
- Specialized Cigarette Smoke Monitoring
- Wireless Options Available
- Flexible Power Options (DC, AC, USB, Direct Wired)
- Configurable reporting interval
- Customized Options Available
- Cloud and Edge Compatible / Alerts / Text Alerts / Charting
- USB Programmable (depending on mainboard)
Monitoring as a Deterrent
Monitoring on it’s own can be an effective deterrent and help reduce incidents. For less than the price of one clean up, a monitor can help maintain the integrity of your property and prevent costly incidents in the first place.
Other Benefits to Monitoring
Installing monitors can provide additional benefits such as reducing energy usage, IAQ monitoring for wellness programs, improving the value of your properties and potentially reducing insurance costs.
The Aretas Sentinel product detects cigarette smoke and bad air quality conditions in your property. You can use the data to react to smoking and enforce non-smoking policies. The Sentinel product also has optional sensors such as noise (to help enforce noise complaints). You can also use the combined sensors to optimize building energy usage
Remote Cigarette Smoke Monitoring
You can monitor cigarette smoking from anywhere in the world. Login to your Edge device or Cloud account wherever you are in the world and see alerts, historical data and more.
Section 8 / HUD Housing
HUD has implemented a smoke-free policy for all Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and all multifamily housing. All PHAs must have a smoke-free policy in place by July 31, 20181 Installing low cost monitoring will help aid in smoking cessation strategies and ensure good air quality for all tenants, promoting good health and wellness.
Flexibility to monitor every room, unit or even hallways to ID when and where smoking happens. Allows facility staff to address guest smoking in-person after receiving a text and/or email alert. Your data is also archived online allowing additional support if you need to enforce non-smoking policy violations.
Vacation Rentals / Property Owners
Avoid costly cigarette smoke incidents by installing an Aretas Sentinel monitor to remotely monitor your property when you’re not there. You can see the levels of cigarette smoke online in your software and receive text/email alerts when smoking occurs.
Health Care and Senior Care Facilities
These facilities often have issues with guest ‘sneaking’ a cigarette or even lighting candles which are often prohibited due to fire regulations. Installing monitors in areas when complaints are made can help identify and address issues quickly and quietly.
Business Owners
Protect your employees from second and third hand smoke, protect inventory and property. Reducing second and third hand smoke exposure in the work place is an important step for business owners to take. Enforcing no smoking rules helps prevent costly violations.
Casino Monitoring
Many casinos still allow smoking in restricted areas. Workers may still come into contact with cigarette smoke and odors may permeate into other areas. Install monitors to measure and quantify the levels of pollutants and ensure other customers aren’t exposed.
Wireless Options
- WiFI 2.4GHz (standard)
- XBee 2.4GHz (Low and High Power)
- XBee 900MHz
Sensor Specifications
- Multichannel Particulates
- Proprietary IAQ Sensor Firmware
- Operating temperature range: -30 – 60C
- Operating humidity: 0 to 85% RH
- Response time: 2-3s
Power Options
- DC Power Adapter
- 24VAC (direct wired)
- USB Power
Software Options
Wi-Fi enabled devices can connect directly to the cloud and get all the benefits of the Aretas Platform!
You can run the IoT Edge Device on it’s own or with the cloud. If Internet is intermittent or you require longer range options for a larger number of sensors, ask us about Edge Device options.

Additional Sensor Options
- Temperature and Relative Humidity
- Noise (SPL) *default noise add-on measures 70-100dB SPL +/- 2dB
- Light (lux)
- Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
- Contact us for more options
Volume Pricing Discounts Available
Orders of 10 or more qualify for volume discounts. Additionally, Aretas can provide assistance for scoping new builds, installation support or customized solutions tailored to your needs. We also develop customized solutions for in-vehicle detectors and other specialized industries.